Seven days with my own thoughts, seven days of diggin' the scenery, night swimming in candle lighting, seven days of amazing food and never-ending wine. It was my first holiday since few years that weren't connected with visiting some old friend or attending a particular event. We just gathered a party and went for some good ol' lazy holiday. It turned out that we had found the most beautiful place in Tuscany - a villa on the top of a vineyard's hill. We were literally surrounded by grape fields and olive trees. During those seven days, my only concern was whether to leave the poolside and go to see Sienna, Florence or Pisa.
niedziela, 7 sierpnia 2011
Postcard From Tuscany
7 dni z własnymi myślami, 7 dni upajania się krajobrazami, nocnymi kąpielami w basenie przy blasku świec, 7 dni cudownego jedzenia i niekończącego się wina. Zwykle wakacje łączę z odwiedzeniem dawno niewidzianych znajomych lub jakimś wydarzeniem, o które warto zahaczyć. W tym roku z grupą znajomych udaliśmy się na regularne wczasy. Jak się okazało wybraliśmy najpiękniejsze i najbardziej toskańskie miejsce w całej Toskanii. Wynajeliśmy dom położony samotnie na wzgórzu winnicy. Kiedy tylko otwieraliśmy oczy roztaczał się przed nami widok na niekończące się winne krzewy, małe miasteczka i górzyste okolice. To było 7 dni, w ciągu których największym zmartwieniem było porzucenie naszego raju dla zwiedzania Sieny, Florencji czy Pizy.
Seven days with my own thoughts, seven days of diggin' the scenery, night swimming in candle lighting, seven days of amazing food and never-ending wine. It was my first holiday since few years that weren't connected with visiting some old friend or attending a particular event. We just gathered a party and went for some good ol' lazy holiday. It turned out that we had found the most beautiful place in Tuscany - a villa on the top of a vineyard's hill. We were literally surrounded by grape fields and olive trees. During those seven days, my only concern was whether to leave the poolside and go to see Sienna, Florence or Pisa.
Seven days with my own thoughts, seven days of diggin' the scenery, night swimming in candle lighting, seven days of amazing food and never-ending wine. It was my first holiday since few years that weren't connected with visiting some old friend or attending a particular event. We just gathered a party and went for some good ol' lazy holiday. It turned out that we had found the most beautiful place in Tuscany - a villa on the top of a vineyard's hill. We were literally surrounded by grape fields and olive trees. During those seven days, my only concern was whether to leave the poolside and go to see Sienna, Florence or Pisa.
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